Sunday, December 30, 2012


This 1 was neat.  I woke up and it felt like the position I thought it was like Ellen DeGeneres would be in.  I felt a made up person's boobs, kinda solid and strong and kinda like warm behind my shoulder blade.  In my dream, I was on the floor with my hands propped behind me.  I saw her finally come near me and smile, didn't look exactly like her, indented eyes and she said something with excitement and looked straight and me and was like gonna scoot over.  Then, she looked thin and kinda like a nurse.  I think something scary or annoying happened, for awhile, and I woke up.

I forget the next, but I think it was something to do with her like that.  Anyway, that was really neat, for some reason.

I think the 2nd 1, ah yes, I was walking around like a huge warehouse with a seemingly endless dome to do with class, with my cell phone I think.  The memory keeps waving in.  I just can't remember, though.  I think I was seeing a like supposed new version of Ellen DeGeneres.  Supposedly, yes, I was in Orlando and she was recording|filming there.  Maybe, that was another part.  She was like really like a stampede supposed to see me because I was there, not sure what else.  Maybe, like an hour on the weekend or what seemed like 20 minutes of her being frantic.  I was like part of something.  She taught a class, maybe a college, not like it was expected.  I, like anyone. was wondering who would go.  In the end, I thought it was L.A.  Something else happened.  It wasn't like she was clear in this dream, neither.

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Leaf me a tasty treat
Meet me @ the side of @ street
Make sure you bring your seat
Don't tell me you can't stand the heat