Saturday, December 29, 2012

Going to Bed Soon

Why am I tired so much?  Hope I'm not on secret pills.  I did walk too much, lately.


So, people were being nice to me watching me in my room, and they seemed to promise not to hurt me.  I could record the sounds.  I want relationships, though.

Animalistic Humans

Why is it only people from Florida are human and people in Europe are like supple humans?  I feel that others are barking animals reacting to feelings of psychiatric jealousy.  L.A. just has the modern support, Hollywood, but lots of people live there.  Florida I guess is more home to Floridians, too, but not just mainly the Spanish.  I don't know many people probably because of my parents.  Also, we moved.

I mean, someone just sees a point and pretends you're in trouble and keeps finding out they're wrong and just racist.  I am not more mean that Tim Burton, and an orchestra will bow over and their hat will fall off for him.  Someone like Ellen DeGeneres would think well I'm not white, so what?  Well, um, it's like being Middle Eastern.  The Chinese are considered whiter than like some other culture to them and just need to act European and they are accepted.  Everyone knows that.  I think they just get that feel, and now I remember I think something like that has been talked about.






Just stop.

Stop saying stuff that's not true all the time.  Ellen DeGeneres is minioning these messages all day all year.  Hello, did you hear me?  Why should I care about you?

Look, now, it's just gonna say no.  Why is nothing happening?




Let's see Ellen DeGeneres be as mean as she is when she talks to people on her show.  She is telling me things are crap all the time in private or the minions are and then is like oh no I didn't I didn't torture you for ½ year.


Go away, I didn't ask anyone to do anything for me, and if someone sometimes hacks my computer for fun so what, as long as it's not illegal and they don't hurt me.  Wait, why didn't I type, "once in awhile" or even "sometimes?"  It's none of your business.  May you never get married and never have any secret relationships or believe in the afterlife.  If you are busy making fun of me for saying afterlife and not saying what to say instead, I guess you're a phony.


QUIT!  LEAVE ME ALONE!  I'm getting made fun of after someone says they're nice, and then they want me to know that they're kidding.  Also, when I try to feel, like on the computer, I get made fun of.

TALK.  STOP HURTING ME.  You can't just keep controlling all the machines around me.




So, what, Ellen DeGeneres has been having fun making up things?

Also, why don't I get exposed to more people than crap?


Why do I keep getting the message that Ellen DeGeneres thinks that me feeling like I'm submissive means I really am?  I'm sure we could submiss her into something.  Wait, but I don't mean to say that something untrue would exist.


People are picking at me and making me think of curse words and stuff and doing it to prove that I should not be picked up when something happens.

Also, do you think people don't really mean like sorta the diamond effect of saying wow they're something, capable of eliciting emotion in others?

Worked Out

So, I worked out for about 2 minutes.


I bought another workout: link.


I put all the trash away, forgot some tissues on my table, put the stuff on the towel on the floor away, tonight or tomorrow or Monday will do my laundry


Wheat bread we had with a slice left of honey ham, cold cut
My lemon dressing, which is tan
A piece of dark lettuce leaf

Salad of dark thicker long leaves
My lemon dressing
Texas croutons

Mixed nuts

Thick Reese's

Thawing my Philly Swirl Italian Ice, cotton candy


I had to FF through an Amazon instant video of extreme|intense cardio workout.  I got tired after about 2 or 3 minutes of workout.  I did a bridge and now I'm done.  xp  I was doing it in time to music.



So, Ellen DeGeneres would be jealous of another attractive lady could exist who wouldn't mind giving children attention.

Also, I went to college and never had time to watch her show.  I guess I watched Nick and Nite.  I also watched Cats.  I e-mailed each day, in disappointment, for an hour or some more each day.  I took little classes, as well.  I wish I just went out and figured I was old enough for exercise videos and bought some online.  The thing is I guess I didn't feel ready nor the need to start a blog.  I mean, no one thinks I have to have a computer.  I got a piano, instead, and it helps me type.


Why do you have certain beliefs of what's right to believe about the Jews?  Did you even think before you spoke?  You know it's wrong.  I don't believe you, but you bothered me.  I can't just like let people do anything they want to me.  I need rest.

Racial Possibilities

So, apparently, the Asians can tick as Europeans and have that desire.  People just sorta deny them the opportunity to develop the possibilities and then think that the bad things caused good things and want to do more bad things.

I guess dark Europeans make Middle Easterners feel bad.  I think it's just a part of the lifestyle.  Same with Eskimos.



I don't want to be the only 1 who knows this, but people are using up their life to hurt me.  They don't even know and already admitted at weak knees I was right.  I wonder when this will stop.  GOD STOP IT!

Okay, I just felt like I whipped a person across the face for chiming in that they agreed with hurting me in an annoying, show-off way.  WHAT A PIECE OF CRAP!


So, what's with the whole world saying things are set up but then saying all these things exist like you did this and you did that.

Why am I being attacked for making a point and getting mad.  STOP!


What's with my dad's secret attitude?  Look, I'm not a bad person.  Why are you getting racist at me for it?


So, people are trying to take my, er, attractive or something personality away because my mom isn't technically all Caucasian.  I'm pretty sure I'm in step and I shouldn't lose my good qualities altogether to gain ones that are not as attractive.


So, I could die..  Well, I already found a passage to the supernatural, if only I can make it.  I don't know about the millions of years of ancestors before us.

So, I figured some things but forgot a good point.  I just got up and went to the bathroom, and some crackers with spread.

So, I know like you watch Ellen DeGeneres.  She got ahead with the clicks in my room.  So, people react a certain way, too.  You go out, and for reasons I thought of, you find yourself in trouble.

So, how do I know that you're right if you won't explain?  I was thinking of something, some conclusion.  I know I realized whites grew up with hatred for the Chinese in their ideas as people and wished to hurt them but at the same time they tell them they don't.  I don't want people to hurt me for not being Asian in a bad way.

Also, I'm hearing gross clicks, and they do manage to technically come in and disturb me.  I think I am a human being more than other Asians, I mean I'm not just some like person who's like not in some category.  Like, I realized I can sit there and sorta suck in the idea that I have to fix some feeling.  I don't have to sit there and think I'm better by hurting myself.  I don't also agree with suddenly coming up and saying it's not okay to be comfortable.  I moved to Orlando, and I started to feel disturbed because I was letting out and people acted like the word nigger around me when I tried.  So, I got mad, and then people got mad back and that's what I'm talking about and it's been 7½ years.


YouTubes of Me Playing Folk Harp

How I Feel

I'm warm and sticky.

How I Feel

I want a bath but am still tired.  I started doing the dishes more.  I clean up crumbs, wipe them, and put the plastic stuff to be recycled.  I've also done my side situps sometimes without posting, maybe once, though, or twice.  It's helped.  Oh, I also had my princess vitamin.


2 French Bread Pizzas
1 Can of New Chef Boyardee Macaroni and Cheese
the rest of the Italian Greens in a Plastic Container3]_ - Now, I have dark, long lettuce and more asparagus's.
Iced Water, which I still have more of


Amanda Seyfried seems to have started in high school, as did a lot of singers.  There's this 1 I don't know when she started, from California.  She was kinda more fun and got the head voice teacher.  Well, I noticed that there's a YouTube of a teacher at the arts school in New Orleans who states she sang opera "for a long time."  I don't know anyone who necessarily sang opera since they were a child, but most kids sing hymns, at church, and I also liked kids songs, switched between which I liked to sing, better.


Why are people who started to sing later so knocked out of good quality?

I also know of singers who started too soon.

Britney Spears did gymnastics, too.  Didn't she start singing around 10?

Facebook Posts

from yesterday


Enjoying the Smaller Hardships..

Did you ever consider that if you don't do something that's a little uncomfortable that you'll get more uncomfortable later and that that's why you enjoy it?

Making 1 Point, at a Time

Do you know about people who make 1 point, at a time?

What I've Been Doing

I lay in bed, got stimulated, well was stimulated the whole time, then got up and went to the bathroom and lay on my couch.

I need to restart my computer, take a shower, cooking, ...


I remember I was trying on an outfit.  Finally, I looked in the mirror.  The pants hit the floor and dragged at the middle and I stepped on them.  They were a thin pink.  I think there was a jacket top.  It was a dark hot pink.  Maybe, it was like the shirt reminded me of pastel stripes.  I just had to walk dragging my pants partly off.  The mirror was like the 1 in my room, 1 that stands up on a frame.  I was like in a big warehouse of gray like filled with people, like with a Harry Potter feel.


Going back to bed.


All remember well now is the end.  I was in a room.  I followed a lady with thick but more detailed features, like a big pointing noise, and brunette hair into a room, like in a sorta college-business world.  We were with other students like that.  It was a big deal.  I got my hot dog and bun.  There were even burned buns I saw later.  The other buns were near the teachers.  There was like some stuff, like a big box kinda high in the middle I guess filled with ice water.  I had to pay I thought $1 and 30 cents but turns out 25 cents.  I put it in the box.  It was the wrong of 3 boxes, 2 similar, like white and rectangle, kinda tall, cardboard.  I asked where to put it and found it.  Instead of washing my hands by them, I washed them in a big sink in another part by some other kids, kinda in the middle of the 2 groups.  It had a big sprinkling thing and 2 kinds of soap dispensers.  I had to use the foam 1 that spit it out.  So, also, coming in, I saw they were injecting a tube of some kinda maybe light gelly stuff to their wrists, a shot, and I guess we were all getting shots.  It was kinda dreamy, like an apartment complex with trees.