Saturday, December 29, 2012


All remember well now is the end.  I was in a room.  I followed a lady with thick but more detailed features, like a big pointing noise, and brunette hair into a room, like in a sorta college-business world.  We were with other students like that.  It was a big deal.  I got my hot dog and bun.  There were even burned buns I saw later.  The other buns were near the teachers.  There was like some stuff, like a big box kinda high in the middle I guess filled with ice water.  I had to pay I thought $1 and 30 cents but turns out 25 cents.  I put it in the box.  It was the wrong of 3 boxes, 2 similar, like white and rectangle, kinda tall, cardboard.  I asked where to put it and found it.  Instead of washing my hands by them, I washed them in a big sink in another part by some other kids, kinda in the middle of the 2 groups.  It had a big sprinkling thing and 2 kinds of soap dispensers.  I had to use the foam 1 that spit it out.  So, also, coming in, I saw they were injecting a tube of some kinda maybe light gelly stuff to their wrists, a shot, and I guess we were all getting shots.  It was kinda dreamy, like an apartment complex with trees.