Monday, December 31, 2012

My Problem

So, I lost my female thing from the psyc meds, and now it's coming back long and super duper light right now.  So, that means my mood must be really poor quality.

I also got kinda hurt for doing something that upset Aunt 1, just because, when "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" stopped, like I found what ticked.  Now, I don't want to deal with this and like have it not matter.  If it keeps going so be it, it still happened and it still is an issue.  I can't really know if I can brush it aside.  I mean, why should I stay up and type about stuff like this?  I mean, I thought this was like something you didn't like.  Why would I say stuff like that?  I mean, I see, it fits, and I didn't mean it in a literal way, but I know you don't like it, at all, but secretly find it like pretend.  I don't even know why I said it but have a feeling I had a reason to  Maybe it's because it wasn't really to 1 person and it came up and I don't know why.

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Leaf me a tasty treat
Meet me @ the side of @ street
Make sure you bring your seat
Don't tell me you can't stand the heat