Tuesday, January 1, 2013


So, I woke up, and something different happened because these people are watching me for no reason in this experiment and want to get it out, but I don't want to talk in this.  I keep getting annoying sounds, all day.  My life is abnormal.  They're suggesting things that are kinda things you traditionally wouldn't suggest.

Hm, the top and back of my head kinda felt like a bunch of bumps like in that dream, I mean my brain.  What do you suppose is going on?  Is it because of this experiment?  Isn't that also the reason I ended up getting mad?  I think this is bad and unnecessary, guarding against all these things like we have to address bad things all day.  I'm not doing it.

I just went to think of my 2nd dream, and it's just brushed aside that an insulting tick happened.  Stop saying "I'm a 'bad' person."  Stop picking at me for getting mad at being hurt!  I don't want to be tapped into in private all day and certainly not in this way, which is bad..

Also, I got randomly annoyed in private just because I said something, then I just heard it was because I was Chinese, but I don't want to be Chinese and don't feel Chinese.  Please go away.  I was enjoying like the pristine aura of how I looked today with my lush curls.  Let me guess, you're drugged and too shy to comment.  Before, me being watched in private was like a gift, and now it's constant torture and the insistence that I "need" it.

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Leaf me a tasty treat
Meet me @ the side of @ street
Make sure you bring your seat
Don't tell me you can't stand the heat