Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I just remember my 2nd dream now.  I was walking around.  There were all these gross witches with small heads and like little plaques of things, sorta like gas stations.  There were buildings.  Supposedly, I had a left eye missing from a witch and walked around and escaped and went into the land of knowing, as opposed to the land of being nor the land of something else.  I ran across a Middle Easterner who wanted to do yoga, though it wasn't important, anymore, and she was like poor and not properly nutritioned and was on the floor looking up, a bit gross, and was kinda like saying stuff about like yoga and other stuff and then like closed her eyes.  She was in a weird position.  Then, I went back.  Other people were there and had to get off guard.  I was thoroughly disgusted as I woke up, and the head witch like made 1 other character that looked like her but was on my side have a face simply covered in little bumps even like in piles, just to get it out and exaggerate it as she got stimulated.

The 1st dream was good, hope I can think of it.

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Leaf me a tasty treat
Meet me @ the side of @ street
Make sure you bring your seat
Don't tell me you can't stand the heat