Tuesday, January 1, 2013


At the end of my dream, I was thinking I said, "Mom," in this place, realizing where I was, like a college dorm, with Ellen DeGeneres stationed somewhere, like a police.  I felt like a Venus fly trap behind my head.  So, like I was on the floor, trying to sleep, found a little sleeping bag and pillow.  Oh yes, I got the fly trap off.  I was thinking about trusting someone to make me healthy, upset realizing for the 1st time my mom got unhealthy when I moved.  Wow, my hands look dead.  So, I had been there.  It started I went there with 1 of 2 art teachers.  I went in a room, and she was outside.  It was bright and big, like a machine kind of place, kinda Disney-ish or toon-ish.  Something happened, there were monsters and she was being like killed but I guess was maybe a like ghost but in physical form.  I had to keep the lock turned a few times for a long time, maybe over a period of even nearly 5 minutes.  I guess then a knife formulated through.  I thought of someone hiding in a closet and thought of a happy little monster like that new caveman movie thinking of the story.  So, the bad guy didn't get the person out of the closet.  Then, I was in this big room with the other kids.  We saw a young version of Johnny Depp with little legs performing maybe on a guitar.  He was sitting in the room in the stands, but we were all looking at the display.  We might have interacted with it going to another thing, sitting on something metallic.  Then, I guess was kinda a long scene on the floor with us getting sleeping bags.  For some reason, it seemed dangerous.  It was like we could die, but we were there, like the 1 art teacher.  Oh yes, I was in a room and remember a fat fat lady with curly hair, kinda sweet.  She said she had Moore as a last name, and so did I, but I don't.  She went off down a hall.  There was a part I went to a bathroom that was yellowish, and I went into a stall and there was a toilet and then there were other little stalls and went in and it was pretty clean.

So, the interesting part was that like I guess it's funny Ellen DeGeneres was there.  It was like about if we were in a college dorm or at home and were getting in trouble for what it was maybe or I woke up thinking that.  I wasn't even in college, but I was thinking about it.  So, maybe you get the picture.  It's interesting, not sure I ever thought so much of Dad to Tim Burton, but I certainly equated him with that certification.  People have made me feel special.  I probably have had passing feelings like that in my life.

So, it was like a crabby sorta ghostlike force was attacking my head and about to kill me.  So, I pried it off, and I guess it was disapparating.  I was surrounded by like weight, though.  I forget what I was doing.  Maybe, it'll come to me.  I think it was like I was the best girl there or something, like I was behaving and played all these cards right.

Also, I was in the car with my dad and I guess there was like a pillow between us that was kinda like filling out the space.  My dad acted like he did something, and I kicked a bit sorta mechanically, which I've never done, and he looked hurt.  He passed me in the hallway, and I got kinda frantic and closed the bathroom door quickly, worried but knowing it wasn't my fault.  I thought it didn't hurt him.

So, it was nice to like, I guess, care about things, like that.  I think because it was so like deathly dangerous is why I thought of the word, "Mom."  I was with other girls maybe younger.  Not sure what ... guess they were all grovelling.

I guess that makes sense, ... I know I had filed in with a girl.  I guess I was feeling bad from the pizza.  I'm not sure who was in charge of this other room.  I think a lady, maybe a bigger lady, like the other art teacher.

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Leaf me a tasty treat
Meet me @ the side of @ street
Make sure you bring your seat
Don't tell me you can't stand the heat