Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Used to Play Sports

So, when I started tennis at 11 with my brother, there was this place in the nation's oldest continuing city ... I'm from Florida myself and my mom is from Indonesia ... called Marsh Creek.  I thought we toured a landfill.  So, it was huge, a huge expanse, like a safari.  We like drove through like a highway to get there.  So, there was a little booth, there, too.  The courts were made of green sand, so when I moved I was really, really mad, though it was very athletic there, the area Ellen DeGeneres is from.  I lived in "Slidell," didn't remember thinking of it as a slide at all lately that I could remember until recently.  It's right across the bridge from New Orleans, actually.  The people at my school were adamant about Britney Spears, and people in my choir knew people who knew her and said she was such a sweet girl and that everyone was upset at "how she changed.."  She was considered really bad but not untalented..  I actually didn't watch her until I moved to Orlando.  She reminds me of Amanda Seyfried!  She sang in movie musicals and was just in a big 1 that is considered the most classical that exists, like an opera, haha kinda like The Phantom of the Opera.

So, anyway, I was busy but I managed to compete in tennis at the end more than once though only remember competing once, for some reason, but I think just the last 2 years, not sure how I did it those 2 years.  I didn't want to be on the team but taught some older kids to play and a girl from San Fransisco who was a lot bigger than me.  It helped her get in shape.  I think she made me seem a lot fatter.

So, about the tennis courts, then the white lines were made of metal with nails nailing it down on the sides.  I think.  So, you knew if you were out if you heard it.

So, anyway, Marsh Creek reminds me of the New Orleans Zoo or Lion Country Safari, teetering 2 areas I lived in Southeastern Florida.  I have pictures of me there and still have some from Katrina when I was in an experiment without being sure.  So, a marsh I think is the step above a swamp, you must have also learned in school, except I guess Florida has them, Northeastern Florida, the oldest continuing city in the U.S.  So, what it is is like water with really tall, green grass.

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Leaf me a tasty treat
Meet me @ the side of @ street
Make sure you bring your seat
Don't tell me you can't stand the heat